A a
The alignment or positioning of elements in relation to the container or each other, aiming for balance and user-friendliness. For example, consider texts aligned left, right, or centered.
The degree to which websites and web applications are available and usable for visitors and users, regardless of their background, experience and possible disabilities.
For example, the product should also be easily usable for visually impaired individuals or those with low literacy, which can be achieved by enlarging text or adding spoken text.
#Alt text
A short, descriptive text for an image that is placed in the HTML. This text is not visible in a normal browser but is intended for visitors with visual impairments who, for example, use screen readers. Additionally, the text provides extra information about the image to search engines, which is beneficial for SEO.
Through an A/B test, you examine the effectiveness of two variants. It's a method used to test which variant performs better for the end user, yields the most results, and therefore is best suited for implementation.
For example, consider two different webpages, each with a button added at different locations or with different colors, to see which one generates more conversions.
API stands for: Application Programming Interface. An API (interface) ensures that two different applications can communicate and exchange information according to predefined methods. This is useful within a single organization, but especially when multiple organizations want to exchange data among each other.
#Adaptive Webdesign
An approach to web design where multiple fixed user interfaces are designed to better match different screen sizes, from mobile phones to desktop screens. Instead of dynamically scaling content as with responsive design, adaptive design loads predefined layouts based on the detected device.
An iterative and highly flexible approach to designing and developing (digital) products. Agile emerged in the early 2000s as a response to the limitations of traditional, rigid software development methodologies such as the waterfall method, which often resulted in lengthy development cycles and products that did not meet customer needs.
#Automated Testing
Automated tests are like routine health checks for a website to ensure everything is running smoothly.
Predefined scenarios are automatically executed to check if various parts of the website are still functioning properly. For example, one test might fill out and submit a specific form.