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Metadata can be described as 'data about data'. They indicate what a particular page is about. Therefore, metadata provide context, a description, and additional information about a basic element such as a document, a web page, an image, or a video. For example, the metadata of a page includes the page title, the meta description, and meta tags.
Metatags are descriptive elements in the HTML/source code of a website that describe the content of a page but are not visible on the page itself. Metatags help search engines understand what a page is about.
The most well-known metatags include those for page description ('meta description'), page title (title tag), metatag 'robots', and 'meta keywords'.
#Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is the most basic version of a (digital) product with just enough features to serve as a starting point for further product development. The goal of an MVP is to allow the product to be tested by users as early as possible and gather feedback. It marks the beginning of an iterative process that we, as a digital product team, work with.
Creating custom websites starts with the right amount of research and strategic discussions with the client. A moodboard is a visualisation of a concept or idea that is created during these discussions. It is a tool that allows the client to visually represent their goals or preferences. It is a (digital) collage of elements such as fonts, images, desired (examples of) features, colors, shapes, and user interface elements to convey the (desired) artistic direction.
The space around the edge of a page, text, or object is referred to as margins. By increasing or decreasing margins, we can create a more calming or busier design.